Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rate Restaurantedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Rate Restaurantedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki



You can rate restaurants belonging to strangers, and have your own restaurants rated by strangers. Your restaurant's rating is visible below your Gourmet Points bar. Other restaurants' ratings are visible in the upper corner of the interior of the restaurant, or above their restaurant's facade on the street level.

edit Joining

Street-Level Icons
Join the Rating Guide

In order to join the Restaurant City Rating Guide, you must be on the street, not the interior of the restaurant. Go to a Random Street (the icon of blue silhouettes), then click on the hand holding the clipboard to join the Guide.

Once you have joined the Guide, you can rate others' restaurants. However, you cannot rate your own or the restaurants of your friends; you can only rate strangers on Random Streets and on the Gourmet Street.

edit Rating

The rating window with Okay selected

Ratings come in one to five stars:


edit Awards

There are three awards associated with rating others' restaurants, depicted by a star on a pedestal:

Estate Agent
Rate 100 restaurants
Evaluation Expert
Rate 1000 restaurants
Restaurant Critic
Rate 10000 restaurants

Note that there are no rewards for being rated highly by others, other than getting onto the Gourmet Street if you're lucky.

edit Gourmet Street

Gourmet Street (the icon of orange silhouettes) is reserved for those restaurants with the highest ratings. (In case of ties, the restaurant with more votes wins.)

Every once in a while, Playfish resets the ratings so that other people get a chance at Gourmet Street.

Popularityedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Popularityedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki

Popularity determines how many customers visit your restaurant. As the number increases, more customers will visit the restaurant. Popularity is displayed in the top right corner of the game screen.

The maximum number of popularity points possible is 50 without extra items. Currently, there are 2 kinds of functional items which increase the maximum popularity by 2, and 1 that increases popularity by 1. They are the Egyptian Obelisk (required restaurant level 65) and the Reindeer (only available during the winter holiday), and the 3 Million Fan Statue that increases max popularity by 1. The effect does not stack with same item, and therefore, the maximum possible popularity is 55 at the moment.

In order to earn higher popularity, you must have a satisfied customer. To do so, you must make sure the customer has a seat, a clean table, and gets their food, before they leave of impatience. Make sure you have enough employees to accommodate your customer flow, and that their energy level is acceptable.

For every satisfied customer, .1 point is added to the restaurant's popularity. For every unsatisfied customer, .1 point is deducted. Note that the customer's use of or inability to use toilets does not add or subtract from popularity.

Energyedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Energyedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki



Energy represents the efficiency of employees. Energy was first displayed as percentages and smiley faces; it has since been changed to display how much time that employee has until they collapse from exhaustion, along with a clock with moving hour and minute hands.

Employees have a maximum of 4 hours of work time. Low energy will cause employees to work slower, which in turn causes customers to become impatient with the poor service and eventually leave. At 2:25 and above is when employees perform their best. Energy declines over time, at a rate of about 10% every 18 minutes, taking three hours to go from max to zero. At zero, the employee collapses from exhaustion and does not complete any tasks associated with their job.

edit Energy Levels

Energy Levels (outdated; replacement soon)

There are five levels of energy: Dynamic, Energetic, Okay, Tired, and Exhausted. Each energy level is slower than the level before it. The duration of energy levels is as follows:

  • Dynamic (depicted by a green clock, fastest productivity): 2:25 to 3 hours work time
  • Energetic (depicted by a teal clock): 1:49 to 2:24 hours work time
  • Okay (depicted by a blue clock): 1:13 to 1:48 hours work time
  • Drowsy (depicted by a purple clock): 0:36 to 1:12 hours work time
  • Exhausted (depicted by a red clock, slowest productivity, or none): 0 to 0:36 hours work time

edit Restoring Energy

There are two methods to restore energy: feeding and resting.

[edit] Feeding

Food Options

To feed an employee, click on the employee (either in the game window or on their name at the bottom of the window) and a menu will pop up with a list of food to purchase.

Water (60 coins)
Adds 45 minutes to work time (25%)
Apple (110 coins)
Adds 1 hour 30 minutes to work time (50%)
Banana (160 coins)
Adds 2 hours 15 minutes to work time (75%)
Sandwich (200 coins)
Adds 3 hours to work time (100%)

The longer you wait before your feed your employee, the cheaper the cost. However, do bear in mind that reduced energy means reduced productivity and thus, reduced income.(Outdated)

[edit] (Valentine's Day Special)

Ruby Juice (80 coins)

Adds 1 hour to work time (25%)

Lolly (150 coins)

Adds 2 hours to work time (50%)

Sundae (200 coins)

Adds 3 hours to work time (75%)

Sweets (280 coins)

Adds 4 hours to work time (100%)

[edit] Resting

Job Options, with Rest selected
Basic Red Bed

To rest, click on the employee and choose rest as their 'job'. Resting recovers the employees energy at approximately triple the rate its used (about 10% every 6 minutes). While you save money from needing to feed your employees, it halts any productivity from that employee until you assign them a productive job again. When your employees are resting, they disappear from the restaurant unless sleeping in a bed (below).

For a limited time during the winter holiday, there were two functional items released, which boost the recovery speed of your staff: Festive Beds and Basic Red Beds. As your employees rest in their beds they are seen lying sideways.

The Festive Bed, which is made out of gingerbread and lollies, is purchased with Playfish Cash, allows employees to rest twice as fast, or about 10% every 3 minutes. The basic red bed, purchased with coins, allows employees to rest 25% faster, or about 10% every 4.5 minutes.

Note that there is a limitation of one employee per bed, requiring multiple beds to rest multiple employees faster.

edit Strategy

It is advisable to feed your employees during the earlier levels of the game as you want to level up faster (and by doing so, increase your employee number, effectively increasing your income).

Resting should only be done when you're short on cash, or plan on being back at the game within a couple hours of resting. It is recommended to leave at least two employees working, so that coin and gourmet points continue to be earned while away from the game.

Awardsedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Awardsedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki

Awards are available for completing certain in-game actions, including spending coins, rating restaurants, and others.

edit Types

Visiting friends
  1. Tourist, visit 100 friends
  2. Familiar Face, visit 1000 friends
  3. Socialite, visit 10000 friends
Clearing trash
  1. Trash Talker, clear 100 pieces of trash
  2. Rubbish Raider, clear 1000 pieces of trash
  3. Garbage Guru, clear 10000 pieces of trash

Gifting items (includes interior and exterior items)

  1. Charitable Chum, gift 50 items
  2. Generous Gifter, gift 500 items
  3. Santa Claus, gift 5000 items
Trade ingredients
  1. Barter Buddy, trade 50 ingredients
  2. Sales Sage, trade 100 ingredients
  3. Trading Expert, trade 5000 ingredients
Spend coins
  1. Spending Spree, spend 2000 coins
  2. Shopaholic, spend 20000 coins
  3. Big Spender, spend 200000 coins
Buy interior items
  1. Modernizer, buy 10 interior items
  2. Feng Shui Expert, buy 500 interior items
  3. Interior Designer, buy 2000 interior items
Buy outdoor items
  1. DIY Expert, buy 10 outdoor items
  2. Exterior Decorator, buy 200 outdoor items
  3. Grand Architect, buy 500 outdoor items
Buy avatar items
  1. Bling!, buy 10 items
  2. Trendsetter, buy 100 items
  3. Fashion Icon, buy 500 items
Level up dishes
  1. Classy Cook, get 1 dishes to level 10
  2. Culinary Artist, get 5 dishes to level 10
  3. Gourmet Chef, get 20 dishes to level 10
Rate others' restaurants
  1. Estate Agent, rate 100 restaurants
  2. Evaluation Expert, rate 1000 restaurants
  3. Restaurant Critic, rate 10000 restaurants
Harvest plants
  1. Greenskeeper, harvest 10 plants
  2. First-Class Forester, harvest 50 plants
  3. Glorious Gardener, harvest 200 plants
Clear dirty plates
  1. Head Waiter, clear 50 plates
  2. Plate Prince, clear 500 plates
  3. Washing Machine, clear 2000 plates
Fix toilets
  1. Plumb Role, fix 20 toilets
  2. Pipe Dreams, fix 200 toilets
  3. Drain Fame, fix 1000 toilets
Fix arcade and slot games
  1. Fixer, fix 20 items
  2. Repairman, fix 200 items
  3. Master Mechanic, fix 1000 items
Help friends' restaurants
  1. A Friend Indeed, help 50 friends
  2. Search and Rescue, help 250 friends
  3. Aide of Honor, help 1000 friends

Friendsedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Friendsedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki

Friends are the people on your Facebook friends list. You can request these people to be your neighbors in Restaurant City, which allows you to visit their restaurants, assist them with catastrophes, water their garden, gift items, and trade ingredients. Helping out at your friends' restaurants is a good way of earning money and Gourmet Points. Note that the first visit to each of your friends will give you a free ingredient.

You might also hire some of your friends as your employees, even if they are not playing Restaurant City. If your friend does play Restaurant City and you have employed them, you can click on them and visit their restaurant straight away, by clicking on the restaurant sign in the top-left corner of their profile.

When you are watching customers come and go, the ones with red rings around their feet are in your Facebook Friend list. You can roll your mouse over them to show their profile photo. Even friends that are not playing Restaurant City will show up to eat in your restaurant. If a friend who doesn't play Restaurant City walks into your restaurant, you can click on them to invite them to play.

edit Help Friends

If you are neighbors with your friends, you can visit their restaurant. Once per day, you can assist them with a catastrophe that has befallen their workplace.

Catastrophes include:

  • Sleeping bear scaring away customers
  • Penguins stealing all the fish
  • Fires burning the place down
  • Water pipes burst, flooding the place
  • Monster mushrooms taking over their garden
  • Skunks putting people off their food

The first neighbor you help gives you 500 coins. The second neighbor gives you 100 coins. The third, fourth, and fifth neighbors after that give you 50 coins. Every neighbor after the fifth neighbor will allow you 15 coins. You can only assist each neighbor once every 24 hours.

edit Awards

There are three awards associated with visiting friends' restaurants, depicted by two statues holding hands:

Visit 100 friends
Familiar Face
Visit 1000 friends
Visit 10000 friends

There are three awards associated with assisting friends with catastrophes, depicted by a hand on a pedestal with a stopwatch beside it:

A Friend Indeed
Help 50 friends
Search and Rescue
Help 250 friends
Aide of Honor
Help 1000 friends

There are three awards associated with trading items with friends, depicted by a basket of ingredients on a stand:

Barter Buddy
Trade 50 ingredients
Sales Sage
Trade 100 ingredients
Trading Expert
Trade 5000 ingredients

There are three awards associated with gifting items, depicted by a present on a pedestal:

Charitable Chum
Gift 50 items
Generous Gifter
Gift 500 items
Santa Claus
Gift 5000 items

Garden Plotsedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Garden Plotsedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki

This Article is OUTDATED. Help the Restaurant City Wiki by updating this article! See reason in discussion please.


The top line is watered time and the bottom line is growth time.

At level 6, you gain the option of starting your own garden. Garden plots are the cheapest production of ingredients that you may need, such as Tea Leaves or Basil.

edit How to Garden

1. After unlocking a plot, plant a seed by clicking on the available slot. Planting a seed costs 2000 coins.

Plant a seed for 2000 coins.

2. When the seed is planted, you must water it to allow it to continue to grow.

  • Each click adds three hours to its watered time. There is a maximum of nine hours of watered time.
  • If you do not water your seed, then it will stay in the state of growth that it is in after drying out. Partially grown plants will not wither and die.
  • You cannot choose what type of ingredient you would like to grow. The ingredient is totally random, and anything listed is possible.
Plot Phases: Dried out; 0-3 hours left; 3-6 hours left; 6-9 hours left.

3. After 48 hours of watered growth time (plus any dried-out time), you will have a sparkly plant. Click the plant to harvest it and obtain one ingredient. Fully grown plants will not wither and die.

Harvest the sparkling plant.

edit Harvestable Ingredients

The following items can be harvested:

edit Final Stages

Every plant has a different look when it is growing. The following images are samples of each plant, which may be the mid-stage look or final look.

These are the different mid-stage pictures

NOTE: An updated image of the final stages of each harvestable plant is planned.

edit Awards

There are three awards associated with harvesting plants, depicted by a watering can:

Harvest 10 plants
First-Class Forester
Harvest 50 plants
Glorious Gardener
Harvest 200 plants

Outside Expansionedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Outside Expansionedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki

The Outside Expansions were released on December 1, 2009. These expansions are unlocked at reaching certain gourmet levels. They can be purchased by clicking on the grass at the left side of the restaurant, where a sign is placed. Purchased expansions have darker green grass. Players can then place interior items there, which includes some items that are exclusive to the expansion from the Outdoor Only interior category.

Note that purchasing the expansion means that you effectively tore down the wall between the expansion and your restaurant. Customers will treat it as an entry point (see first image below) unless you somehow close off the spaces. In the second image, hedges were used to close off the space between the restaurant and the expansion. Any item that customers cannot walk through or between (for instance, customers can walk between chairs) may be used to close the expansion.

Alternately, items can be placed along the sidewalk and gain the same effect without closing the restaurant off entirely from the expansion. This allows customers inside the restaurant access to the expansion, but does not allow customers to come in through the expansion.

The following table lists the levels at which outdoor expansions unlock, what size the expansion is, and how much the expansion costs.

Level Size Cost
Level 10 6x6 squares 5,000 coins
Level 15 8x8 15,000 coins
Level 20 10x10 32,000 coins
Level 25 12x12 70,000 coins
Level 40 16x16 150,000 coins
Level 50 18x18 550,000 coins