Sunday, March 14, 2010

Awardsedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Awardsedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki

Awards are available for completing certain in-game actions, including spending coins, rating restaurants, and others.

edit Types

Visiting friends
  1. Tourist, visit 100 friends
  2. Familiar Face, visit 1000 friends
  3. Socialite, visit 10000 friends
Clearing trash
  1. Trash Talker, clear 100 pieces of trash
  2. Rubbish Raider, clear 1000 pieces of trash
  3. Garbage Guru, clear 10000 pieces of trash

Gifting items (includes interior and exterior items)

  1. Charitable Chum, gift 50 items
  2. Generous Gifter, gift 500 items
  3. Santa Claus, gift 5000 items
Trade ingredients
  1. Barter Buddy, trade 50 ingredients
  2. Sales Sage, trade 100 ingredients
  3. Trading Expert, trade 5000 ingredients
Spend coins
  1. Spending Spree, spend 2000 coins
  2. Shopaholic, spend 20000 coins
  3. Big Spender, spend 200000 coins
Buy interior items
  1. Modernizer, buy 10 interior items
  2. Feng Shui Expert, buy 500 interior items
  3. Interior Designer, buy 2000 interior items
Buy outdoor items
  1. DIY Expert, buy 10 outdoor items
  2. Exterior Decorator, buy 200 outdoor items
  3. Grand Architect, buy 500 outdoor items
Buy avatar items
  1. Bling!, buy 10 items
  2. Trendsetter, buy 100 items
  3. Fashion Icon, buy 500 items
Level up dishes
  1. Classy Cook, get 1 dishes to level 10
  2. Culinary Artist, get 5 dishes to level 10
  3. Gourmet Chef, get 20 dishes to level 10
Rate others' restaurants
  1. Estate Agent, rate 100 restaurants
  2. Evaluation Expert, rate 1000 restaurants
  3. Restaurant Critic, rate 10000 restaurants
Harvest plants
  1. Greenskeeper, harvest 10 plants
  2. First-Class Forester, harvest 50 plants
  3. Glorious Gardener, harvest 200 plants
Clear dirty plates
  1. Head Waiter, clear 50 plates
  2. Plate Prince, clear 500 plates
  3. Washing Machine, clear 2000 plates
Fix toilets
  1. Plumb Role, fix 20 toilets
  2. Pipe Dreams, fix 200 toilets
  3. Drain Fame, fix 1000 toilets
Fix arcade and slot games
  1. Fixer, fix 20 items
  2. Repairman, fix 200 items
  3. Master Mechanic, fix 1000 items
Help friends' restaurants
  1. A Friend Indeed, help 50 friends
  2. Search and Rescue, help 250 friends
  3. Aide of Honor, help 1000 friends

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