Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rate Restaurantedit this page From Restaurant City Wiki

Rate Restaurantedit this page

From Restaurant City Wiki



You can rate restaurants belonging to strangers, and have your own restaurants rated by strangers. Your restaurant's rating is visible below your Gourmet Points bar. Other restaurants' ratings are visible in the upper corner of the interior of the restaurant, or above their restaurant's facade on the street level.

edit Joining

Street-Level Icons
Join the Rating Guide

In order to join the Restaurant City Rating Guide, you must be on the street, not the interior of the restaurant. Go to a Random Street (the icon of blue silhouettes), then click on the hand holding the clipboard to join the Guide.

Once you have joined the Guide, you can rate others' restaurants. However, you cannot rate your own or the restaurants of your friends; you can only rate strangers on Random Streets and on the Gourmet Street.

edit Rating

The rating window with Okay selected

Ratings come in one to five stars:


edit Awards

There are three awards associated with rating others' restaurants, depicted by a star on a pedestal:

Estate Agent
Rate 100 restaurants
Evaluation Expert
Rate 1000 restaurants
Restaurant Critic
Rate 10000 restaurants

Note that there are no rewards for being rated highly by others, other than getting onto the Gourmet Street if you're lucky.

edit Gourmet Street

Gourmet Street (the icon of orange silhouettes) is reserved for those restaurants with the highest ratings. (In case of ties, the restaurant with more votes wins.)

Every once in a while, Playfish resets the ratings so that other people get a chance at Gourmet Street.

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